Healthy Meal Planning: How To Do It?

Healthy Meal Planning: How To Do It?

When you’re managing a life packed with busy schedules and responsibilities, having a balanced diet can feel far from your reach, and meal planning can help you overcome these obstacles.

But what should you look out for when you’re planning a healthy diet?

The recommended caloric intake for an average American ranges from 1,600 to 3,000 calories.

However, that can change depending on factors like activity level and metabolism.

The nutrients your body requires are the micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) and macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats).

Knowing what the body needs, planning our meals in advance becomes easier.

But how should one begin? Here’s how you could start with your meal planning:


  1. Analyze your daily schedule. This will give you the sense of how much time you spend to meal preparations. Also, take note of events that might affect your meals, such as birthday parties, trips with friends and heavy shifts.

  2. Make a game plan. Look at how much storage you’ll need, and think about how you’re going to keep everything fresh and organized. It is generally recommended to use airtight microwave-safe containers.  Also, pick a day and time where you can plan your meals and create your list.

  3. Learn new recipes. To cut down on your grocery expenses and meal preparation time, pick meals that share the same ingredients. Recipes that can be prepared in advance, need a short time to make, or can last for several meals are highly recommended.

  4. Shop wisely. Choose a day to shop for ingredients. Prepare a list of ingredients before heading to the grocery store. Don’t forget to have backup ingredients in case any of the ingredients are not available.

  5. Don’t forget your goal. Your goals and reasons behind trying healthy meal plans are essential to your success.

You may have understood now how to have a healthy meal plan, but take note of a few tips to make it easier what and how to plan:

  1. Typically, it's better to have small amounts of carbohydrates than not have any. Carbohydrates turn into glucose to fuel our body. Without carbohydrates, our body uses energy from fats and/or proteins, which are not efficient sources of energy.

  2. Look for recipes that emphasize vegetables, fruits, and lean protein sources.

  3. Start with simple recipes that are easy to prepare and doesn’t require too many ingredients.

  4. Water is best to quench thirst, not sugary drinks. Water is calorie-free and hydrating. Sugary drinks contain high levels of sugar and calories, but does nothing for your health except affect it negatively.

  5. Incorporate supplements to give your plan a boost and make it easier to reach your daily nutrient needs. The Superior Whey Isolate is a great way to aid your daily protein intake without additional time-consuming cooking. It’s an easily digested protein supplement that aids workout recovery and has enzymes to help digestion. This makes it perfect for snacks, smoothies, and post-workout meals.



Having a healthy diet is essential to everyone, especially those who are in their fitness journey.

Healthy meal planning can help us out because the foods you eat have enormous effects on your health and quality of life, and having insufficient time isn’t an acceptable excuse for not having a balanced diet.

==> BEST protein supplement to add to your diet today!

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